Ksenija Marinkovic
Dr. Marinkovic is Professor of Psychology at SDSU, Adjunct Associate Professor of Radiology at UCSD, and the Director of the Spatio-Temporal Brain Imaging Laboratory. She is a cognitive neurophysiologist with extensive experience in multimodal functional brain imaging including magneto- and electroencephalography (MEG/EEG), functional and structural MRI, and psychophysiological measures of autonomic functions. These measures are considered in the context of neurotransmitter genetic markers. Broadly, she is interested in spatio-temporal characteristics of distributed neural circuits underlying cognitive and emotional functions. For example, what happens, where and when in the brain, as we try to recognize a face, understand a word, or make a decision. Of particular interest are the effects of alcohol intoxication on self-regulatory functions, as well as neuroadaptive changes associated with binge drinking. In addition, she collaborates on projects focusing on fibromyalgia, autism spectrum disorder, and language processing.
email: kmarinkovic at mail dot sdsu dot edu

Donatello Arienzo
Donatello is a Research Scientist at the Spatio-Temporal Brain Imaging Laboratory at SDSU. Originally from Italy, he graduated in 2007 in Neuroscience with a joint PhD Program between Chieti University, Italy and Columbia University Medical Center in New York. He has a background in neuroscience and experience in designing, implementing, and analyzing functional and structural neuroimaging data with an emphasis on brain networks. In particular, he applies advanced brain imaging techniques such as Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) and functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI), to study neural circuits underlying cognitive and affective functions in the context of addictive substances and brain lesions. In his spare time he enjoys going to the theater especially to watch fantasy and science fiction movies.

Joseph Happer
Joe is currently a doctoral student in the SDSU/UCSD JDP in Clinical psychology working on an MEG analysis of the effects of alcohol intoxication on response inhibition as well as the interaction between attention and response inhibition. Joe received his BA in Psychology from SDSU in 2011 and joined the Spatial-Temporal Imaging Lab in 2015.

Austin Myers
Austin graduated from Sonoma State University in 2017 with a BA in psychology. He has now transitioned to SDSU where he is a 1st year master’s student. His current research is fMRI based and focuses on response inhibition and error processing in binge drinkers. Potential future research he would like to pursue is how emotional states potentially mod ulate attention.

Rebecca Carvalho
Rebecca graduated from San Diego State University in 2017, with BA in Psychology. She is currently a 1st year master’s student in the department of psychology at SDSU. Her current research is fMRI based and focuses on executive function, specifically cognitive flexibility and inhibition, in individuals with alcohol use disorder.

Jamie Renna
Jamie is a 1st-year master’s student in the department of psychology at SDSU. After studying consciousness while obtaining her B.A. in psychology at SFSU, she has shifted her focus to executive functions of the brain, such as cognitive control. She is currently working on a collaborative study between the Spatiotemporal Brain Imaging Laboratory and the Neurocognition Laboratory. This is an ERP project which investigates inhibitory control in bilingual individuals.

Laura Wagner
Laura has been a Research Specialist in the lab since 2014. Her responsibilities include recruitment/screening, MEG/MRI scanning, and data analysis/ programming. She is also a part-time graduate student at Vanderbilt University studying to become a Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner. In her spare time, she enjoys taking aerial silk classes!
David White
David graduated from San Diego State University in May 2018 with a BA in Psychology and has worked in the lab since 2017. He has worked on a variety of neuroimaging base projects studying Fibromyalgia, ASD and ASMR. His duties extend from running EEG scans, programming data analysis scripts, and analyzing data.

Denali Woodruff
Denali graduated from Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis in 2018, with a BS in neuroscience. She is now a first-year masters student in the department of psychology at SDSU, studying neural indices of hyperexcitability in individuals with fibromyalgia as a function of pharmacological treatment.

Sophie Weeks
Sophie got her BSc in Psychology in 2018 from a University of London, and is now a second year Masters Student in Psychology at SDSU, working on executive dysfunction in individuals with chronic Alcohol Use Disorder.

Sojung Youn
Sojung got her Bachelor's dual degree in Psychology in 2018 from Mississippi State University and Catholic University of Daegu, and is now a second year Master's degree student in Psychology at SDSU. Her work focuses on fMRI and functional connectivity analysis in individuals with Alcohol Use Disorder during executive functioning tasks.

Jakob Schmall
Jakob is a fourth year undergraduate student at SDSU. His major is Biology and his minors are Interdisciplinary Studies and Cognitive & Behavioral Neuroscience. Jakob has worked on the structural analysis of MRI data using the program FreeSurfer to contribute to the lab’s ongoing research on binge drinking. After graduating in Spring 2021, he hopes to attend a masters in public health program and to eventually work in medicine.

Kevin Mikami
Kevin is a first year masters student in the department of psychology at SDSU, studying the effects of binge drinking on white matter integrity and brain network organization. Kevin received his BS in Business Administration from SFSU in 2008 with a concentration in corporate finance. Kevin worked in the financial services sector for three years before switching over to cyber security where he remained for five years before pursuing a graduate education into psychological research. In his spare time he enjoys playing chess, perfecting his YouTube algorithm, going on international backpacking adventures, and reading philosophy.

Morgan Marvin
Morgan graduated from San Diego State University in May 2018 with a BA in Psychology and is applying to graduate schools.

Tyler Brocklehurst
Tyler got his BA in business administration at SDSU in 2009 and managed a research lab at UCSD for a few years before enrolling in the psychology master's program. He graduated in 2018.

Sean Molnar
Sean Molnar graduated from the University of California, Riverside in 2012 with a bachelors degree in Psychology. He joined Dr. Marinkovic's lab in 2016 and graduated with a Master in Psychology in 2018.

Rifqi Affan
Rifqi got his BA in psychology in May of 2018. He is a recipient of MARC scholarship, Dean's award at the SRS, and a NSF graduate award. Rifqi is now a graduate student at Boston University, Neuroscience Dept.

Lauren Beaton
Lauren was a research assistant in the Spatiotemporal Brain Imaging Lab for 3 years. She has a B.S. in Psychology from Northeastern University, where she completed co-op internships in research labs at MGH, Harvard Medical School and the Boston Children's Hospital. She is now a Master student at Stanford.

Angeles Correas
Angeles obtained her Ph.D. in neuroscience in 2017 from the Complutense University of Madrid. She has a background in cognitive neuropsychology and neuroimaging. Her research focuses on the MEG analysis applied to autism and binge drinking.

Lee Holcomb
Lee graduated from San Diego State University in 2016 with a BA in Psychology and worked as a full-time research associate until the summer of 2018. Lee is a recipient of the Provost's Award at the SRS. He is currently working on his Ph.D. at UC Davis.

Jessica Houghton
Jessica graduated in May 2018 and is applying to medical schools.

Dung Truong
Dung (pronounced “Young”) received his B.S. in Computer Science from Gettysburg College, PA. He was a research assistant at the lab working on language and autism EEG and MEG data.

Jessica Mok
Psychology major at SDSU, graduated in May 2018

Jennifer Chan
Psychology major at SDSU, graduated in May 2018.
Burke Rosen
Graduate student in the Neurosciences Dept at UCSD.
Edward Nguyen
Medical school at Nortwestern University.

Shannon Sheppard

Martina Knezevic
Martina was a visiting Fulbright Scholar and is currently in Psychology Dept. at the University of Zagreb, Croatian Studies.

Siyuan Huang
Siyuan got her MA in the spring of 2017. She is a recipient of the Provost's Award at the SRS, WPA Solso Award, Becky Award for the best Master's Thesis. She is a graduate student in Psychology Dept at Penn State.

Stephen Cruz
Stephen graduated from SDSU in December of 2016, got the Provost's Award at the SRS. He now works in industry.

Morgan Slauter
Morgan graduated in May of 2017, recipient of the Parker Award for the best Senior Thesis, and Undergraduate Research Award at SRS, now works in industry.

Kevin Allec
Kevin was an undergraduate student at SDSU majoring in electrical engineering and psychology with a minor in interdisciplinary studies. His general research interest was in brain imaging with more specific interests in degenerative mental illnesses like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

Visit to the Brain Observatory Feb 2023

Zoom 2021

Wonderspaces 2019

Lab outing 2018

San Diego March for Science 2017

Lab outing 2016

Lab outing 2016
Biomag Conference: Korea 2016

Student Research Symposium 2016

Student Research Symposium 2016


HBM Conference: Hawaii 2015